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About Us

North Coast Joinery is a family owned business which has been manufacturing on the Sunshine Coast for over 25 years.

We are committed to local employment, training local apprentices and keeping our manufacturing in Australia.

We supply a high level of training to our apprentices who are Australia's future craftsmen.


     1987 Purchased North Coast Joinery business in Nambour with 1 employee.

1988 Our first apprentice was a young lady

1989 Started our 2nd apprentice in Timber Joinery

1991 Another apprentice indentured

1993 Allen and Lyn and family did 4 months volunteer work in Vanuatu

1993 Visited Londua Technical College and started involvement in encouraging training in Vanuatu

1994 Two young men from Vanuatu arrived to train with us for 4 months

1994 Our apprentice won a Training Award

1994 Commenced Work Experience placements from 5 different local high schools

1996 First Certified Kitchen Designer finishes training

1997 Second Certified Kitchen Designer finishes training

1997 Retrained a Mum who had been out of the Workforce for 12years

1998 Final year apprentice wins Training Award

1999 Signed up first Indigenous Apprentice.

1999 Commenced work experience training to “at risk” students through Noosa Youth Service

2000 Moved business to larger premises at Forest Glen

2000 4th year apprentice wins Training Award

2000 Commenced Industry placements for Tafe students

2000 Final Year apprentice won Advanced Training Award

2001 Finalist, Kitchen Project under 15 square metres

2001 Retrained a mature age person from a totally different industry

2001 4th Year apprentice won Outstanding Achiever Award

2001 Finalist Kitchen Designer of the Year

2002 Young man arrives from Vanuatu to work and train with us for 4 months.

2002 First Office Trainee commences.

2004 Training offered for Kitchen Design Course

2004 Winner of Construction Training Queensland Excellence Award

2005 Signed up our 4th Joinery Apprentice in 4 years.

2005 Winner Small Employer of the Year Wide Bay/Sunshine Coast

2007 Winner Small Business Partner of the Year for Queensland

2008 Young lady arrives from Vanuatu for work experience

2008 Lyn and Allen volunteer as Resource Administrators for Londua Technical College

2009 Apprentice taken to Londua Technical College for 1 weeks work and teaching

2010 4th year apprentice wins Phil Boron Highest Achievement Award

2010 Winner HIA/CSR Sunshine Coast/Wide Bay Kitchen over $30,000

2010 Office manager taken to Londua Technical College to assist with accounts


North Coast Joinery, 329 Mons Road, Forest Glen, 4556.
Ph 07 54766999   Fax 07 54451816  email North Coast Joinery